Annie's Rainbow

I didn't finish this book....too ridiculous.   

Jeri and I finished "The Elephant Keeper" and are now reading "Annie's Rainbow" by Fern Michaels.  I told Jeri  I'd read a Fern Michaels book and it was really good, so I  thought I'd get another?  I just checked my book reports and it wasn't Fern Michaels, it was Freida McFadden, which may explain why we're having such a problem with this book.  We haven't decided if we are going to finish it or not.

Here is a bit of a summary of the things we're having problems with.  Two friends in Boston are going to move to North Carolina to start a business.  In Boston, they take a walk around the grounds of Boston College...which has no grounds to walk around (Jeri tells me).  

Before they move, there is a bank robbery of half a million dollars in small bills that can't be traced, all stuck in a satchel which nobody can find after  the robbery.  Then Annie finds the satchel on the floor of her car and hides it, deciding to keep it.  The money will help her start her new business...though she never uses it for that, but she spends years concerned that she has this money and trying to figure out how to send it back.

The start their business, which consists of a stand where they sell tuna sandwiches and coffee and it is so successful that within months they are rolling in money and ready to open a second shop. good are these tuna sandwiches and are people eating them every day?

Annie gets a dog who, while she is napping, find the bag with the bank money in it and chews up about $20,000 worth (that's a lot of chewing!)  Annie was going to send the money back, but can't now until she can replace the $20,000 that her dog ate.

Before she can send the money back, she wants to wash it to remove all traces of her fingerprints.  She puts it in a sack in her washing machine, but it stops the machine from working and she has to find all sorts of excuses why people can't help her fix it.  Somehow she manages to get the money washed 3 times.

In the meantime, she flies to Hawaii to meet with a guy who sells coffee and can give her a good price. . She falls in love with him the second she meets him and by the second day they are planning their wedding until she finds out how he treats his sisters and is so angry with him she refuses to speak to him, cancels their engagement and flies home again.

I haven't gotten any further in to the book, but everything is so ridiculous.  We had our first book discussion on Monday and will have another discussion tomorrow, when we decide if we want to continue reading the book or not.  

Amazon says it's "a thrilling tale of love and justice" and explains, "just as Annie’s life seems complete, the dark history of the money returns to haunt her. Someone is determined to solve the mystery of a ten-year-old bank robbery, and an enraged thief who has served his time is coming to reclaim his loot. Suddenly, Annie is plunged into a deadly chase, using her wits to keep her world from unraveling and to protect the one thing she values most—the priceless gift of love."


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